Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Docs opening in Read-Only

Problem: I'm not going to preface every post with 'this was weird' because almost every post would probably say that. But this one was weird and its not really a Sharepoint 2010 problem but I'll post it anyway. After upgrading from Sharepoint 2007 to 2010, a group of users (on Windows XP, Office 2007), even though they had 'Full Control' permission on the document library, their documents would open up in 'Read-Only' mode. Of course I asked them to check-out the doc, do a Microsoft Update, which actually solved the problem for all but one of the users. Below is how I solved her problem.

Resolution: Note: this solution involved a registry change to the user's laptop so be VERY CAREFUL!!!!
  • I opened up the registry settings with 'regedit'
  • locate the following area in the registry:
  • Delete 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'
  • touch your left shoulder with your right hand and say 'good job'

1 comment:

  1. Hi,Web page design software is software applications that help users create a Web site. Web Design Cochin software applications include Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) editors, image editors and applications used to create Web animations.Thanks........
